Integrated Purchasing

PackMin has an integrated Purchasing module that helps automate the task of purchasing items to stock. It is flexible and there are a few different ways purchasing can be done.

The easiest and quickest is to set minimum stock levels on each product you buy. Then you can process a Purchase Order Run that will look through all your products and (taking into account what is needed for production and sales) find what needs to be ordered. The system will show you exactly what needs to be ordered. All you have to do then is to ring around and get the best price for each item. Then select who you are buying from and the price. The system will print out all your purchase orders and you can email/fax them off to the supplier.

What used to take ages can now be done in almost no time!

Instead of spending all your time working out what needs to be ordered, spend your time getting the best price from your suppliers. Save time and money!

Purchasing Run

When you receive your items, just tell PackMin what you received (which can be in multiple units eg number of cartons and weight), any required dates (use by, packed on etc) and your stock levels will be updated accordingly.

When the invoice is received, confirm in PackMin the amount to pay and PackMin will send the invoice as a Bill into your accounting system.

Try it Today!

Sign up to access an online trial database. You can experiment with the system and ensure that it does what you need. When you're ready to go, we can create a new empty database so that you can start bringing your old data across. That way you can be up and running much more quickly.

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DavidsonTech is a boutique software development company based in Brisbane, Australia..

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